Jackie had to have surgery on her knee early in the morning and asked if we would watch Keyara overnight. Can you say, "Heck Yeah!!??!!" Wouldn't pass up that opportunity (insert very big grin here).
So, when she gets here I find out she is a little sick and has to take medicine that she doesn't really like taking and it's best to give it to her right before a bottle. Jackie also drops off this thing called a Boppy. Well, I've never heard of this thing until the baby shower and Jackie says she really likes being in it. So, Grandma sets out to do the medicine routine and BAM, she falls asleep in the thing!! Last time I saw something like this, it was given to ME to use after I gave birth to my daughters -- not for the baby! But she got in it and ZONKO -- right out! Okay, so the fact that the house was warm because it was unseasonably warm here (almost 90) and we were all feeling the effects of that wonderful weather, but Grandma was wishing SHE had a Boppy of her own!!

Oh yeah, did I mention the Binky??!! If it isn't a bottle in her mouth, it had better be the Binky!! She is not by any means a picky baby, (she's actually a wonderful baby even if she weren't my grandchild I would say that because she isn't fussy, she cries only a little bit and that is mostly because you take the bottle out to burp her and she's a good sleeper), but if you don't have a bottle or a Binky in her mouth, she will latch onto a cheek, fingertip, or her little hands (and Jackie doesn't want thumb or finger sucking).

Power to the Binky and the Boppy!!!

Last night was Rebecca's concert at the High School. We sat front and center and before the concert started, Grandpa has a chat with Keyara and tells her she's gonna be a good girl and be nice and quiet and enjoy the music and save all her comments till it's over.

"Well, fine Grandpa!! If I can't say anything, I'm going to sleep!!"
And sleep she did -- right through the whole concert!! Front and center and she slept through the whole thing!! What an angel!